New Report from EPS Trustee: The Pandemic and the Economic Crisis
As part of INET’s Commission on Global Economic Transformation, EPS Board of Trustees member and Nobel Laureate Joseph E. Stiglitz recently released a report “focusing on actions that need to be taken immediately to get the pandemic under control and to ensure a prompt and robust recovery” given the fact that the “world won’t have a robust economic recovery until at least most of the world is on the course to prosperity.”
The report, The Pandemic and the Economic Crisis: A Global Agenda for Urgent Action, advocates for immediate action to:
provide worldwide access to vaccines and other medicines which, to date, has been blocked by richer countries;
reject austerity and encourage the international community to support countries without fiscal space via a massive issuance of Special Drawing Rights at the International Monetary Fund; and
allow for comprehensive debt restructuring.
The full report is available here, and an interview with Stiglitz discussing the report on Democracy Now! can be found here.