Membership & Donate
Why Become a Member?
EPS's efforts depend heavily on the support of its members. By joining today, you will be welcomed into a family of dedicated individuals committed to reducing dependence on military power, and to searching for political and institutional change through peaceful democratic processes.
Our members contribute not only financially, but also with research, articles, and as speakers at events. By joining us you help to ensure that reasoned perspectives on essential economic issues will continue to be heard.
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Membership Benefits
Members receive the following benefits:
Access to EPS research publications;
Invitations to EPS events;
Voting status at the annual membership meeting, held each year in January.
Most importantly, you join our global network of concerned academics, researchers, business leaders and people from all segments of society who believe that economists have something valuable to bring to the search for peace on our world.
Membership Levels
$10–$35 per year: Low-Income/Student Membership
$36–$50 per year: Basic Membership
$51–$100 per year: Supporting Member (suggested dues for those in highly developed countries)
$101–$250 per year: Sustaining Donor
$251–$1000 per year: Major Donor
More than $1000 per year: Sustaining Patron
“Economists for Peace and Security is a worldwide organization of professionals, united in the belief that economists can contribute usefully to the pursuit of peace, security, and the conditions for prosperity and development. We hold in particular that the economic dimension of wars, civil conflict, armament, and violence should be examined, measured, and exposed to scrutiny. We hope, in so doing, to help to reduce the violence that blights so many human lives and that, in some measure, endangers us all. ”
— James K. Galbraith, Former Chair of the Board of Directors
Honor Roll
Sustaining Patrons ($1000+)
Bernard Schwartz
James K. Galbraith
Akira Hattori
Allen Sinai
Daniel Baumol
George Wallerstein
Seth Glickenhaus
Major Donors ($251–$1000)
Alan Harper
Amartya K. Sen
Andrew Schmidt
Brender-Moss Library for Social Sciences & Management
Dmitri Papadimitriou
Donald Shaffer
Elizabeth Fadali
Hugh Patrick
J. Barkley Rosser
James N. Morgan
Joan M. Warburg
Joseph E. Stiglitz
Kanta Marwah
Linda Bilmes
Lissa Hirsch and Tibby Blum
Mary M. Cleveland
Michael Lind
Myles K. Ren
Robert M. Coen
Robert M. Solow
Rosemary and Edward Eden
Rudi Schadt
Stephanie Kelton
William Sharpe
Sustaining Donors ($101–$250)
Brian K. MacLean
Christopher Sims
David A. Gold
David Warsh
Dmitry Shishkin
Donald Yett
Edward J. Nell
Eugenia Correa
Fola Odebunmi
Gail Blattenberger
Gustav F. Papanek
Harold Pollack
Jerrold Green
Judith V. Reppy
Kathleen Stephansen
Kay Massman
Kenneth J. Arrow
Marcellus Andrews
Marshall I. Pomer
Michelle Breslauer
Nathan E. Savin
Richard F. Kaufman
Robert J. Gordon
Stanley W. Black, III
Tinko Doytch
Uppsala Universitets Bibliotek