Work With Us
We seek those with experience and/or interest in economics, war and peace, social justice, human rights, international development, conflict resolution, and/or education.
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Paid Positions
There are no paid positions available at this time.
EPS hosts unpaid interns year-round and especially welcomes interns during the summer months (May, June, July, and August). Interns may work from our main office in Annandale-on-Hudson, New York (2 hours north of New York City), or other locations depending on the nature of the work being performed.
We believe that internships should be substantive experiences and therefore, any interns working with EPS can be assured that their skills will be well-utilized and that they will make a meaningful contribution to our ongoing programmatic and administrative operations. EPS interns will work closely with program staff to develop a course of work that utilizes the intern’s skills and interests as well as meets the current needs and goals of EPS.
Intern responsibilities typically include a combination of administrative and substantive duties and will provide support to the ongoing development of EPS’s programs (see our website for details on our current programs). Interns may also be asked to help develop and implement fundraising strategies in support of our programs, including: proposal writing, research on funding prospects, assistance with direct mail campaigns, special events, etc. Other projects that interns can become involved with may include helping EPS to expand its outreach to young people interested in activism, building our mailing list, assist with website development and maintenance, supporting our representatives at the United Nations, etc.
Internship start and end dates are flexible, as well as are hours worked per week depending on personal availability, although we expect interns to make a minimum commitment of at least 10–15 hours per week for at least one month. All internships are unpaid.
General Qualifications: Preferred candidates will have excellent written and oral communication skills; experience and/or interest in economics, war and peace, social justice, human rights, international development, conflict resolution, and/or education; and a sense of humor is invaluable.
If you are interested in an internship with EPS please email your cover letter and resume to:
Ms. Thea Harvey-Barratt