Newsletter & Publications
EPS, as a whole, produces several publications.
Current publications
Other publications
EPS produces occasional papers, fact sheets, and policy briefs, available in Current Projects and News.
EPS-UK administers the Economics of Peace and Security Journal, an online, peer-reviewed academic publication. The journal addresses business and economic aspects of peace and security, ranging from the interpersonal and communal domains to transboundary and global affairs. Its scope includes all violent and nonviolent conflict affecting human and nonhuman life as well as their implications for our common habitat, Earth. Special attention is paid to constructive proposals for nonviolent conflict resolution and peacemaking. While open to noneconomic approaches, most contributions emphasize economic analysis of causes, consequences, and possible solutions to mitigate conflict and violence.
EPS-Japan, ECAAR-South Africa, and ECAAR-Russia also occasionally produce newsletters, conference proceedings, and other texts. Find more information about these independent groups in Affiliates.
Discontinued publications
EPS published a newsletter, the EPS Quarterly, which appeared in March, June, September and November and produced NewsNotes, a monthly email digest. Both are available in the Publication Archive.