Effects of Large-Scale Violent Events on the Demand for International Scheduled Air Traffic
A report by Jurgen Brauer and J. Paul Dunne, commissioned by the Arsenault Family Foundation.

Fact Sheet: Global Arms Trade
The top five arms supplying nations alone exported nearly $13.5 billion worth of weapons in 2004. Russian exports continue a five-year growth trend, with strong sales in aviation, mostly to India and China. Shipyards also saw significant increases, delivering Kilo-class submarines and frigates. Russia is anticipating penetrating new markets: 2005 will see deliveries to Morocco, Malaysia, and Saudi Arabia. Strategic shifts and re-alliances in the Islamic world post-September 11, 2001 make it likely that Russian sales to Arab countries and Northern Africa will continue to increase.. This fact sheet was compiled by Kate Cell in 2005.

Fact Sheet: Military vs. Social Spending: Warfare or Human Welfare
In 2003, the world spent more than $900 billion on its militaries, with the US contributing nearly 50% of the total. World military expenditure in one year is greater than would be required to fulfill the Millennium Development Goals in 11 years. If 10% of world military expenditure, or 20% of US military expenditure, were diverted yearly, the MDG could be fully funded. This fact sheet was compiled by Paul Burkholder in 2004.

The Role of the Media in Reporting Conflicts
An analysis of regional strife in the Pacific Islands by Usha Sandar Harris.

Beyond Greed and Curses: Understanding the Links Between Natural Resources and Conflict in Melanesia
An analysis of natural resources and conflict in Melanesia.

The Full Costs of Ballistic Missile Defense
The first and still the only independent study of the full costs of the proposed multi-layered system, including land, sea, air, and space-based components. Edited by Richard Kaufman, preface by Kenneth Arrow, and articles by Rodney Jones, William Cox, and David Gold.

Inequality and Democratic Development in Russia
A policy brief based on papers presented at a 2003 Moscow workshop. Cited participants include Academicians Aleksandr Nekipelov, Ruslan Grinberg, and Tatyana Chubarova.

Conflict or Development?
Joseph Stiglitz discusses the role of information in conflict and draws a fascinating analogy between civil strife and a labor strike. Paul Collier and Neil Cooper take different positions on the prospects for reforming war economies, and E. Wayne Nafziger gives details of the evolution of humanitarian emergencies. In the two country studies, Tilman Brück examines the destruction and reconstruction of Mozambique, and Manuel Ferreira discusses the civil war in Angola. Paul Dunne tells the story of South Africa's defense contractor Denel from its origins under apartheid until today, and David Gold describes the context and history of the current actions against "Conflict Diamonds." In the chapter on "Trends in World Military Expenditure," Jurgen Brauer reflects on the weight imposed by the world's military burden.

After Kosovo
A collection of essays proceeding from a 1999 Capitol Hill seminar on lessons learned from the NATO campaign in Kosovo. Authors include Richard Kaufman, Kori Schaake, Michael O'Hanlon, and James K. Galbraith.

Disarmament & Development
Proceedings from a 1998 UN symposium, with articles by Lawrence Klein, Michael Intriligator, and Jayantha Dhanapala.